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What is the MEMS Skills Badge?

Designed to provide professional level emergency management training to members of the various State Defense Forces, Department of Defense, Civil Air Patrol, and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary; the Military Emergency Management Skills Badge is earned through enrolling in State Guard Association of the United States' (SGAUS) MEMS Academy.  


The MEMS Academy was designed by LTC George H. Heart (Ret. Washington State Guard), in 1998, and fully complies with current standards with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, Incident Command Systems (ICS), National Incident Management Systems (NIMS), the National Response Framework (NRF), as well as Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 and Precedential Policy Directive 8 - National Preparedness.

As the overseas deployments of National Guard units keeps increasing, under their Title 10 authority, states are actively calling up their State Defense Forces, U.S. Auxiliaries, and organizations like the Veteran Reserve Corps to fulfill the gaps in the Title 32 duties the Army National Guard usually handles. As such, the MEMS Academy prepares personnel to actively participate in an Incident Command Post, a TOC, JOC, or EOC CERTS. As a uniformed service, the Veteran Reserve Corps will always operate under the command of Civilian leaders, but brings to the operations a discipline and skill set that is above that of civilian volunteers and in line with Army National Guardsmen.  




This is the first skill badge that can be earned by a member of the VRC.  Wear of this badge is earned upon completion of the following FEMA courses:

  • IS 42     Social Media in Emergency Management

  • IS 100   Introduction to Incident Command Systems

  • IS 200   ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

  • IS 700   National Incident Management System

  • IS 800   National Response Framework

  • IS 75     Military Resources

  • IS 520   Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas.

  • IS 904   Active Shooter Prevention

  • IS 915   Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats

  • IS 2200  Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions

In addition, each member must complete a practicum that covers an actual activation or exercise within the ICS / NIMS and no less than 6 hours in length.

This is the next step in the VRC member's journey. Wear of this badge is earned upon completion of the following FEMA courses:

  • IS 120   Exercise Design

  • IS 230   Principles of Emergency Management

  • IS 235   Emergency Planning

  • IS 240   Leadership and Influence

  • IS 241   Decision Making and Problem Solving

  • IS 242   Effective Communication

  • IS 244   Developing and Managing Volunteers

  • IS 26     Points of Distribution

  • IS 2900 National Disaster Recovery Framework

  • IS 300   Intermediate Incident Command Systems 

  • AWR 160  Weapons of Mass Destruction.

In addition, each member must complete a practicum that covers an actual activation or exercise within the ICS / NIMS and no less than 6 hours in length.

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The third level that can be earned before the Liaison Officer - All Hazards Specialist) LNO skill badge.  VRC personnel who wear this badge are expected to have participated in a high level planning and execution of emergency plans, exercises, and emergency response. In addition, the following FEMA courses would need to be successfully completed:

  • IS 201    Forms Used in Preparation of the Incident Action Plan

  • IS 703    NIMS Resource Management Course

  • IS 19.22 EEO Supervisors Course revised.

  • IS 400    Advanced Incident Command Systems (classroom)

  • IS 916    Critical Infrastructure Security: Theft and Diversion

In addition, each member must complete a practicum that covers an actual activation or exercise within the ICS / NIMS and no less than 12 hours in length.

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Liaison Officer - All Hazards 

This is the highest level of emergency management knowledge for personnel who can reliably represent their organization during an Emergency Response. The LNO badge synthesizes all the education achieved under the Basic, Senior, and Master MEMS.  To qualify, personnel must complete the following:

  • FEMA G-191    Incident Command Systems / Emergency Operations Center Interface.

  • FEMA G-956    All-Hazards Position Specific Liaison Officer

  • Submit a copy of orders from an actual operation or FTX designation the individual as a LNO for the Veteran Reserve Corps.

In addition, each member must complete a practicum that covers an actual activation or exercise within the ICS / NIMS and no less than 12 hours in length.


Activation Flash

Any personnel who have earned one of the MEMS badges qualifies to wear the flash on their service uniform if they have been activated during a declared emergency, disaster, or major event requiring activation of the Incident Command System.

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