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1st Illinois Battalion is a Civil Support Battalion of the U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps. Initially, soldiers from Illinois were assigned to 1st Indiana, which drilled out of ARNG Armory in Lafayette, Indiana.  

Civil Support operations range from domestic emergencies and disasters to sporting events.  

Like the National Guard and Army reserves, our Battalion drills once a month. Drills consist of continued FEMA education, Physical Training, SGAUS emergency response training, first-aid, search and rescue training, and much more.

To serve in the U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps, a candidate must be:

  • 18 years old or older.

  • Pass a criminal background check.

  • Must be able to carry out the physical duties of any emergency response or natural disaster operation, and

  • May not be part of antigovernmental militia group, or harbor any antigovernmental sentiment.

Prior service applicants must have a Honorable Discharge on their DD-214, or a favorable Re-entry code if they were discharged under conditions Other Than Honorable.

IET is waived for prior service applicants and they receive an automatic promotion upon entry into the VRC. 

Initial Entry Training follows TRADOC 600-4 and recruits must successfully earn their BASIC MEMS before being able to graduate.

To join the U.S. VRC, you can fill out an online application

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